2009/12/22 Andrei Iarus <poni1...@yahoo.com>:
> Hello,
> On my production & testing servers (production runs on a centrino and testing 
> runs on Windows) I can only access the temporary uploaded file using
> ini_get( 'upload_tmp_dir' . '/' . $_FILES['filename']['name'];
> while the file $_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'] simply does not exist (checked 
> with file_exists() function, and also looking in the temporary folder).
> Is there a problem with my PHP installations? Is there any directive to 
> change this bihaviour?
> On production: PHP 5.2.10 and on testing: PHP 5.2.8 and 5.3.0
> Thanks in advance.

2 functions to get to grips with:

1 - is_uploaded_file()
2 - move_uploaded_file()

Example from http://php.net/is_uploaded_file


if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {
   echo "File ". $_FILES['userfile']['name'] ." uploaded successfully.\n";
   echo "Displaying contents\n";
} else {
   echo "Possible file upload attack: ";
   echo "filename '". $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] . "'.";


Richard Quadling
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