Nathan Rixham wrote:
> Daniel Kolbo wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Is there a way to see what objects and functions a script
>> loaded/required/used?
>> I could recursively loop through the globals, but if objects were unset,
>> then i may miss some.
>> I could make a 'tracking' object and every time i load/include a file
>> (which contains a class def or a function def) to add that file to the
>> tracking object...but it would be nice if i didn't have to modify my
>> existing code to see which objects and functions a script actually used,
>> or at least, requested and loaded into memory.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Daniel Kolbo
>> `
> if it's for debugging, get a good debugger so you can inspect at break
> points; for use during runtime and something "scripted" you can call the
> relevant get_defined/declared functions before before your app does it's
> loading, then the same later on and compare to get a definitive list.
> also worth asking if you're refering to objects (as in instances) or
> classes.
> Object = instance of a Class [ $object = new Class() ]
Hello Mr. Rixham,

Thanks for the reminder about those 'get' functions.  (just what i was
looking for).


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