On Tue, 2010-01-05 at 12:39 +0000, Ingleby, Les wrote:

> Hi all, first time I have posted here so please be nice.
> I am using PEAR HTTP_Upload to handle multiple file uploads. What I need to 
> do is to take the file name which is output using the getProp() function and 
> then remove the file extension from the end of the file for example:
> Original name held in the getProp() array [name] "word_doccument.docx"
> I need to put this into a string such as
> $filename = $props['name'];
> I then need to separate the file name from the file extension.
> I have been reading the php manual do please don't bother referring me to 
> that.
> Thanks in advance.
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PHPBB uses the substr() function along with the strrpos() function to
grab the extension from a file. You could do something like this:
(untested - I always forget the order of the params!)

$name = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.'));


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