On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 11:37:06PM -0600, aditya shukla wrote:

> Hello Guys,
> I am trying to validate a form for user input , such that when something is
> missing load the form again by focusing on the  wrong field.Say i don not
> enter my address so when the form loads everything else is saved and the
> form points to address field.

Typically, you would direct the form back to itself. Then at the top of
the form, you'd put a test to determine if the form has been processed
before or if this is the first time through. Then you make your decision
about missed fields, etc. Like this:

== someform.php ==

if (empty($_POST)) {
else { // form has entered data
        $okay = process_for_errors();
        if ($okay) {
                header("Location: success.php");
HTML crap goes here...

== end of someform.php ==

You'll notice that if there are entry errors, execution falls through.
In that case, you'll need to do something like this for fields:

<input type="text" name="pizza" value="<?php echo $_POST['pizza']; ?>"/>

so that the entered data shows up in the fields. First time through, the
value attribute will yield nothing.


Paul M. Foster

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