From: LAMP

> Hi,
> The company I work for, hosts online events registration applications.

> After a registered registered himself for an event he will get a 
> confirmation email saying he registered successfully.
> Currently, in the header part of the mail(), in "From" it says e.g. 
> - because the email comes from us not from our 
> client (e.g. ABC Assoc.). Reply-to goes to us too.
> Now one of our clients (e.g. ABC Assoc.) asks us to put in the "from" 
> field their email, to looks like the email comes from them. something 
> like: From: ABC Assoc. <>;
> I refused to do that concerned we are going to be blacklisted for 
> sending "spam". Because header shows one place and From field says
> email address - spam way of sending emails.
> Am I right or it really doesn't matter "who" sent the email?

I believe the correct way to do this is to use the Sender: header for to show where it actually came from. Then it
doesn't matter what you put in From.

Bob McConnell

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