On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 16:16, David W. Allor <da...@artisanpath.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm using php-cli 5.3.1.
> When I run php from the command line, the script does not return me to
> the command prompt when exited. The script always completes, but it has
> to be killed to release it's resources.
> I've created a little working example:
> #!/usr/bin/php
> <?
> echo 'hellu';
> exit(0);
> ?>
> I execute the script by running "./test.php"
> The script outputs "hellu" and then stops. It does not return to the
> command prompt. The only way back is to kill the script.
> This problem does not occur on my remote server, only on my home
> environment. I have home-network maintenance scripts that execute other
> scripts. If the executed script doesn't exit, the main scripts don't
> continue.
> I did a trace, and it turns out that the script is stopping on a futex
> wait.

do you have ubuntu home? Does other programs freez?

I had the same problem with ubuntu once... but rather than fixing it, I
decided to install fedora xD
It has something to do with multithreading, but i'm no expert in that. Some
suggest deactivating Assistive Technologies:

Greetings ;)

> Thanks,
> David W. Allor

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