On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 10:12:01 -0500, Robert Cummings wrote:

>I'm doing quite a bit more work in public sector these days. Recently ne 
>department finally did away with IE6 and moved to IE7. Here's what I had 
>to do to accomodate this gotcha:
>     Nothing
>See, that was tough. Why was it so hard? Because I developed for 
>Firefox/Opera and touched up for IE6, 7, 8 since these are inevitable 
>paths of evolution in the public sector. [...]

We work the same way and generally just encounter a bit of swearing and
minor CSS rework when we get around to IE6. Otherwise, it's all fine.
Working to the standards and then patching for IE6 is easier than
working to IE6 and patching for *everything else*. :)

Regarding platforms, IMHO the main reason IE6 is so persistent is that
it comes with Windows XP. Vista was such a flop that Windows XP is still
the base of most SOE/COE distributions both in government and business.
Now that Windows 7 is out and shown to be somewhat more worthy, IE6 will
be replaced by IE8 in due course as Windows 7 becomes the SOE/COE base.

I too am hoping for a switch to more Linux desktops, but I can't see it
happening soon at most government / business organisations that deal in
Microsoft Office documents until OpenOffice.org can better support the
huge range of spottily formatted Office documents out there. That, or
everyone moves to Google Docs, or regulations enforce exchange of
government documents in OpenDocument formats :)
Ross McKay, Toronto, NSW Australia
"The documentation and sample application having failed me,
 I resort to thinking. This desperate tactic works, and I
 resolve that problem and go on to the next"
 - Michael Swaine,  "Programming Paradigms",  Dr Dobb's Journal

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