On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 12:55 PM, Joseph Thayne <webad...@thaynefam.org> wrote:

> I am not sure what the security issues are you are referring to as the
> $_REQUEST superglobal contains both $_GET and $_POST values.  Could you
> expound on that?  Thanks.

$_REQUEST opens you up to POST/GET values overriding cookie values or
vice versa. It's best to choose your source of data specifically.

I unset($_REQUEST) wherever I can to enforce stricter coding
practices. To me it's lazy. If you really need to mix POST and GET,
then you can always array_merge($_POST, $_GET)

>> Use quoted strings - either single or double quotes. Eg:
>> $myArray['myKey']
>> $myArray["myKey"]

single quotes are better (by a marginal fraction) as it won't look for
interpolated strings :)

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