On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Adam Richardson <simples...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:23 PM, Daevid Vincent <dae...@daevid.com> wrote:
>> > >>>> Is this a case of "it's too hard"?
>> >
>> > Subscribe to internals. Read the archives. The truth is out there.
>> I have Googled a while on this and don't see much of anything about "PHP
>> threading" of use. Just a bunch of people desperately wishing for this
>> feature and trying to hack some way of doing it. Hence my asking here.
>> >>>> "foo($set_this_parameter=$bar);" bull$hit??! (there is NO
>> >>> reason NOT to let
>> >>>
>> >>>> the developer choose WHICH of the list of parameters they
>> >>> want to set in a
>> > There are reasons. You would know this if you had done the legwork
>> > before opening your mouth and letting crap fall out.
>> I have researched this. (http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=47331) The only
>> reason I see given for this lack of feature is "it was decided that you can
>> pass an array parameter instead". This isn't a solution, it's a hack. AND
>> it only works if you are creating a new function or adding to a function.
>> It does nothing for existing functions that have many parameters. Why
>> wouldn't you want to make an already amazing language better and more
>> flexible. I honestly see zero downside or complication to this. In fact I
>> am working on a site coded in PHP by Python people, and often find exactly
>> what I suggest in the code because Python can do this. Ironically it works
>> by dumb luck b/c PHP ignores the assignment or something and so the
>> parameters just happened to line up. Even C# can do this.
>> > >>>> many parameters and you can't overload functions like you
>> > >>> can in Java or
>> >
>> > PHP is NOT Java.
>> >
>> > >>>> other typed languages)
>> >
>> > Nor is it OTHER types languages.
>> Uh. Pretty much EVERY other major language has threading. C++, C#, Java,
>> Ruby, Python and even the archaic Perl.
>> I KNOW PHP is not Java. That's why I use it. That doesn't take away from
>> the fact it still needs to have threading to compete as a serious language
>> if you ever want to do anything more than web pages.
>> > > You could implement the features yourself.
>> >
>> > Damn, Mr McGlone beat me to it :)
>> That's such a STUPID retort I'm so sick of hearing from the FOSS community.
>> "build it yourself uh huhh uhhh huhhh". Obviously I'm not a low-level C/C++
>> coder -- that's WHY I use PHP. :-\ So, you just stay content with the
>> status quo. I will continue to ask for features to enhance the language.
>> They may fall on deaf ears, but sometimes... just sometimes... The squeaky
>> wheel get's the grease.
>> > When you set the subject line of your rant to something like
>> > "Will PHP
>> > ever 'grow up'", I expect your argument to at least be rationale,
>> > logical, and quite possibly contain a patch. It's called
>> > "open source"
>> > because you too can make changes.
>> It was logical and rational. I gave examples of why threads are needed in
>> PHP and why it's STILL considered a sub-language by many enterprise level
>> people, and also why it will NEVER be used for anything more than web pages
>> until threading is implemented.
>> By "grow up", I mean exactly that. PHP needs to be considered a contender
>> and an equal to other enterprise level languages, not this little amateur
>> language that script kiddies use. While we here may know the power and
>> virtues of the language, I assure you that most of the world still views it
>> as a toy language. And spare me your examples of Google or Twitter or some
>> other large site that uses it. I'm saying, as a whole, it is still viewed
>> that way by most enterprises. But more importantly, it is IMPOSSIBLE for
>> PHP to be used in writing daemons or anything of any complexity save web
>> pages. This is one reason why Python is used for most of your Linux
>> scripts. Or why Java/C# are used for applications. And honestly, I'd say a
>> big reason that Rails has taken off even.
>> You're all getting hung up on my little paragraph rant about the parameter
>> feature that is desperately missing from PHP too. I'm sorry I threw that
>> into the mix, I didn't realize it would confuse you all so much from the
>> main topic.
>> Clearly you had nothing of value to add to the question(s) and only wished
>> to chastise me for using harsh words which offended your delicate ears. I'm
>> sorry, but when a project like PHP is made for the masses to use, and when
>> many people are asking for useful, sane and reasonable features, and the
>> internal devs simply dismiss them because they don't feel like implementing
>> something (or maybe they don't have the skills to), I call bullshit. And
>> then to hide under the safety net of "well then submit a patch" is just
>> cowardice. I suspect that even *if* I submitted the perfect patch, that the
>> internal devs would not put it in the main tree because THEY are
>> fundamentally against the idea, so it's a Catch22. You need their blessing
>> either way. As John Acton said, "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts
>> absolutely".
>> --
>> PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
>> To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php
> Hi Deavid,
> At this point, I find that when I need threading capabilities, I switch over
> to developing with C# or Java most of the time, but it would be nice to stay
> in PHP for these tasks (I, too, looked into the pcntl technique and that
> just didn't seem like the right way to handle them.)
> Yes, your last paragraph was a doozy, and few will accuse you of long-term
> political aspirations in any arena ;)  However, I will go on record saying
> that having threading would be a feature I'd very much appreciate, and I
> believe it would strengthen the value proposition of PHP in the
> ever-changing world of development.
> Adam
> --
> Nephtali:  PHP web framework that functions beautifully
> http://nephtaliproject.com

Threading is one of the 2 two main reasons why I moved to Java &
asp.net (C#).  I've built a PHP based web crawler about 10 years ago.
I ran into some problems: cookies, form handling and submission,
threading, and application variables.  I later found some solutions
for cookies, form handling & submission.  But no solution for
threading and application variables.  Thus the move.  Here's a simple
example of one of the many uses for threading.  For an e-commerce
site,  when the shopper requests for a category (ID), you can have a
thread to get all subcategories for that category, another thread to
get any assigned products,  another thread to fetch all manufacturers
listed under that category, another thread to fetch any filters (price
ranges, features, specs, etc) set by the store owner that would fall
under that category, etc...  versus what PHP currently doing now:
fetch subcategories, then fetch assigned products, then fetch
manufacturers, etc....  Performance would increase ten fold because of
parallel (threading) operations versus serial operations.  Add that to
application variable (less memory usage and CPU cycles due to
creating/GC of variables that could be used for an entire application
regardless of requests & sessions), you have an excellent tool.


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