talk to me about this some other time.

atm i'm having an argument with per and his kind about their very very
annoying behaviour of determining my toolset for me.
keeping a thread on topic is also ettiquette from the mailinglist rules eh?

you might wanna consider just how much it pisses me off to have strangers
determining my toolset and/or lifestyle for me.
that's why i got rude. no other reason.

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 10:30 AM, Ashley Sheridan

>   On Wed, 2010-03-24 at 10:28 +0200, Rene Veerman wrote:
> funny how i've been topposting for over a year here and the complaints
> start when i tell some people not to butt into my business and choice of
> tools.
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Ashley Sheridan <
>> wrote:
>  On Wed, 2010-03-24 at 10:07 +0200, Rene Veerman wrote:
> and i like top-posting. a lot.
>  Rene, please do stop posting. It is in the mailing list rules that you
> should bottom post.
> There is a reason for it. It helps with readability if everyone conforms to
> the same practice, and the mailing archives online are easier to digest
> also.
> i find 'm easier to digest with topposting.
>   Thanks,
> Ash
> What you're actually saying is you find them easier to digest with both top
> AND bottom posting, because the majority of the list bottom posts as
> according to the rules, and you flaunt it deliberately for some reason.
> You're asking people on the list to not make assumptions about your
> applications and your 'need' for threading, and then blatantly ignore the
> rules on posting assuming that because you find a mix of top and bottom
> posting 'easier' to read, then so too will others.
> I'm not suddenly bringing this into focus now because you've asked people
> not to 'butt in' but because of the rude way you responded to Per Jessen
> about top-posting. I'm just asking that please, for the sake of clarity and
> readability, you bottom post to the list. If everyone does the same thing,
> it makes it a lot easier.
>   Thanks,
> Ash

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