On Sat, 2010-03-27 at 12:55 -0400, tedd wrote:

> At 12:41 AM -0400 3/27/10, Rob Gould wrote:
> >Is there a free solution out there that will enable me to take a 
> >PHP-generated postscript output file, and dynamically, on-the-fly 
> >convert it to a PDF document and send to the user as a download when 
> >the user clients on a link?
> >
> >More description of what I'm trying to do:
> >
> >1)  I've got a web-page that accepts some user input
> >2)  They hit SUBMIT
> >3)  I've got a PHP file that takes that input and generates a custom 
> >Postscript file from it, which I presently serve back to the user. 
> >On a Mac, Safari and Firefox automatically take the .ps output and 
> >render it in Preview.
> >4)  However, in the world of Windows, it seems like it'd be better 
> >to just convert it on-the-fly into a PDF, so that the user doesn't 
> >need to worry about having a post-script viewer app installed.
> Rob :
> Do you want something like this:
> http://webbytedd.com/bb/pdf/
> Cheers,
> tedd
> -- 
> -------
> http://sperling.com  http://ancientstones.com  http://earthstones.com

It doesn't seem to like characters outside the normal range. I tried a
name of '©½£¿±®' (cruel parents I know!) and it added a lot of other
characters before each one as if it were made up of multibyte characters
that it didn't recognise.


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