On 04/03/10 23:00, Nathan Rixham wrote:
Peter Pei wrote:

var_dump( array( true , 12 , "php already does this" ) );

array(3) {
    [0]=>   bool(true)
    [1]=>   int(12)
    [2]=>   string(21) "php already does this"


Yeah. But this feature of PHP is a boon if used carefully and a curse
if careless. You can get AMAZING results if you're not careful to
check the data types ;)

And that's why language like C# and java supports<>  to restrict the
type of data a collection can hold.

As a side point; I replicated a load of type safe collections etc for
PHP (a good chunk of the java collections stuff) - If it's of use to
anybody I can stick them in a google code project or suchlike.

They'll obviously never be as fast as Java/C but they do allow for
static typing of collections using primitive types or Classes.



We don't want to decrease the performance, do we ?

Best is to use the is_* functions :P

Nilesh Govindarajan
Site & Server Administrator
मेरा भारत महान !
मम भारत: महत्तम भवतु !

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