On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Dan Joseph <dmjos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm trying to figure out if something is even an option with the Zend
> Framework.  We use the DB Table stuff.  I don't see it in the manual, so I
> figured I'd ask you all...
> I have:
> $select = $table->select()->where( "home_team_id = ?", $home_team_id )
>                                  ->where( "away_team_id = ?", $away_team_id
> );
> This translates the where's to "home_team_id = 12 AND away_team_id = 15"...
> What I'd like to have is "home_team_id = 12 OR away_team_id = 15".
> Is this possible?  Or would I just need to build them all into a single
> where() manually?
> --
> -Dan Joseph

Try this:

$select = $table->select()->where( "home_team_id = ?", $home_team_id )
                                 ->orWhere( "away_team_id = ?", $away_team_id );


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