Alice Wei wrote:
You have the following php.ini params:SMTP =

smtp_port = 587 not support relay and it requires authentication.

Is there an email account that I could try? I thought
> most email accounts requires authentication anyway.

Well, "therein lies the rub," as the Bard said (maybe).
PHP's mail() was built on a general assumption that
there would be a local SMTP server.  It supports remote
SMTP, but I'm not aware of any ability to do SMTP auth,
even in the PEAR packages.

You might just wanna read up on mail in general.  The page lists several relevant RFC's, and
has links to most of the PEAR mail classes, etc.

You should definitely read up on's email
configuration.  If they use SMTP auth, I'm not sure
you can do this (per above).  If it uses, say, "POP
before SMTP" for authorization, you might be able to
hack something together with the PHP IMAP functions, or
even sockets, but you're getting into a big lotta work
for what seems a small thing.

Kevin Kinsey

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