Hi Michiel! Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it. :)

> It depends. What's exactly do you want to prevent? It doesn't seem like a
> ...<snip>...
> include, say, additional HTML content, use file_get_contents() instead.

Very good points. My goal was to write a plugin that would allow me to
include some static HTML template file and get the <?php include...?>
tags out of my CMS template. With that said, I think the only people
using this code will be the developers of the templates, and not your
standard user.

I opted to use output buffering and readfile() for the speed, and
include() would be an option if developers want to execute the code in
the included file.

Would file_get_contents() be faster than readfile and output
buffering? Would using file_get_conents() and eval() be faster than
using include() and output buffering?

Without boring you all to death, I am mostly interested in learning
new stuff! I actually don't think anyone will use this code other than
myself. :D

But I definitely agree with all your points.

Thanks so much for you help!

Have a great day!

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