Ok, here's the print_r() output of my 2 arrays.  The first really just has an
extra dimension.  How can I get the format of the first one looking like the
bottom one (just an array of key => value pairs)?


Array ( [0] => Array ( [trade_date] => Trade Date )
        [1] => Array ( [settle_date] => Settlement Date )
        [2] => Array ( [symbol] => Symbol )
        [3] => Array ( [blank] => Blank Field )
        [4] => Array ( [account] => Broker Account )
        [5] => Array ( [symbol_desc] => Symbol Description )
        [6] => Array ( [symbol_desc] => Symbol Description )
        [7] => Array ( [first_money] => First Money ) )

Array ( [trade_date] => Trade Date
        [settle_date] => Settlement Date
        [symbol] => Symbol
        [account] => Broker Account
        [symbol_desc] => Symbol Description
        [first_money] => First Money
        [buy_sell] => Buy/Sell [comm] )

Michael Champagne, Software Engineer
Capital Institutional Services, Inc.

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