On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 05:34:38PM -0400, tedd wrote:

> At 11:01 AM -0300 4/29/10, Juan Rodriguez Monti wrote:


>> Tedd,
>> Thanks. I'm gonna check it. I finally solved it using:
>> if ( CONDITIONS )) {
>>   $results = query( QUERY );
>>       $colors = array('#97b7cd','#96bf8c');
>>       $index= 0;
>>      echo "<html>";
>>      echo "<head>";
>>      echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="is.css" />';
>>      echo "</head>";
>>      echo "<body>";
>>      echo '<div id="container">';
>>        echo "<table border='1'>";
>>      echo "<td><strong>a1</strong></td> <td><strong>a2</strong></td>
>> <td><strong>a3</strong></td>                  <td><strong>a4</strong></td>
>> <td><strong>a5</strong></td> ";
>>   while ($row = CONDITIONS )) {
>>      echo '<tr style="background-color: ' .  $colors[$index ++ %
>> 2] .  ';">';
>>      echo "<td>$row[0]</td><td>$row[1]</td> <td>$row[2]</td>
>> <td>$row[3]</td><td>$row[4]</td> ";
>>                                                        }
>>      echo "</tr>";
>>      echo "</table>";
>>      echo "</div>";
>>      echo '<p><a href="back.html">back</a></p>';
>>      echo "</body>";
>>      echo "</html>";
>> This solution was the best for me. It's solved with your help.
>> Thanks a lot!.
>> Juan
> The above is far more complicated than it has to be.
> Please critically review my example.


This thread came up before, and tedd's solution was the least complex,
as far as I could tell. I shamelessly stole his code and regularly use
it in my own projects. ;-}


Paul M. Foster

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