On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 18:03 +0300, Manolis Vlachakis wrote:

> i am using gentoo
> and on the server side i cant see either the files with their greek
> names
> but i had no problem in the past handling them even though
> i couldn't see them...
> my servers log say that they uploaded the file but no
> error occurred...
> is there another way to upload a file with that script or i should try
> to find something else to solve my problem....


> -- 
> Manolis Vlachakis
> Nelly's Family Hotel 
> Visit    :   www.nellys-hotel.gr
>               www.nellys.gr
> Skype : manolis.vlachakis

Gentoo I believe uses the ext3 filesystem by default, which should be
perfectly capable of handling Greek characters.

What happens when you upload a normal small file now with non-Greek
characters and see what happens? Does that upload correctly?

Output the $_FILES array and look to see if the error code is anything
other than 0. If it is, that means there's a problem with the upload,
which probably won't show on the server log.


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