On 8 June 2010 16:53, Ashley Sheridan <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-06-08 at 16:44 +0200, Peter Lind wrote:
> On 8 June 2010 16:38, Ashley Sheridan <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2010-06-08 at 10:35 -0400, Paul M Foster wrote:
> >
> >> On Tue, Jun 08, 2010 at 09:38:58AM -0400, Robert Cummings wrote:
> >>
> >> > Tanel Tammik wrote:
> >> >> Hi,
> >> >>
> >> >> which one is correct or "better"?
> >> >>
> >> >> $array[3] = '';
> >> >> or
> >> >> $array['3'] = '';
> >> >>
> >> >> $i = 7;
> >> >>
> >> >> $array[$i] = '';
> >> >> or
> >> >> $array["$i"] = '';
> >> >
> >> > Sometimes it is good to illustrate the correct answer:
> >> >
> >> > <?php
> >> >
> >> > $array = array
> >> > (
> >> >     '1'     => '1',
> >> >     '2'     => '2',
> >> >     'three' => 'three',
> >> >     '4.0'   => '4.0',
> >> >     5.0     => 5.0,
> >> > );
> >> >
> >> > var_dump( array_keys( $array ) );
> >> >
> >> > ?>
> >> >
> >> > The answer is surprising (well, not really :) and certainly advocates
> >> > against making literal strings of integers or manually converting a
> >> > string integer to a real integer or using floating point keys.
> >>
> >> Curse you, Rob Cummings! ;-}
> >>
> >> I was stunned at the results of this. I assumed that integers cast as
> >> strings would remain strings as indexes. Not so. And then float indexes
> >> cast to ints. Argh!
> >>
> >> My advice to the original poster was slightly incorrect. But I would
> >> still encourage you to avoid enclosing variables in double-quotes
> >> unnecessarily. (And integers in single-quotes for that matter.)
> >>
> >> Paul
> >>
> >> --
> >> Paul M. Foster
> >>
> >
> >
> > The obvious way around this would be to include some sort of character
> > in the index that can't be cast to an integer, so instead of $array[1.0]
> > which would equate to $array[1] maybe add an underscore to make it
> > $array['_1.0']. It's not the prettiest of solutions, but it does mean
> > that indexes are kept as you intended, and you need only strip out the
> > first character, although I imagine a lot of string manipulation on a
> > large array would decrease performance.
> Floats in quotes are not cast to int when used as array keys. Just an FYI :)
> Regards
> Peter
> They are. Go look at Robs earlier example. Even building upon that to make a 
> float value where it doesn't equate to an integer, it is still cast as an 
> integer unless it's inside a string:
> $array = array
> (
>      '1'     => '1',
>      '2'     => '2',
>      'three' => 'three',
>      '4.0'   => '4.0',
>      5.0     => 5.0,
>      6.5 => 6.5,
> );
> var_dump( array_keys( $array ) );
> That's Robs code, but I added in the last element to show how a float index 
> is converted to an integer. Putting the float value inside a string solves 
> the issue.

Did you read what I wrote?

> ***Floats in quotes*** are not cast to int when used as array keys. Just an 
> FYI :)

I tested Robs example, that's how I know that floats in quotes are not
converted to ints, whether or not you use '4.0' or '6.5'


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