At 3:46 PM -0400 6/10/10, Paul M Foster wrote:
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 11:16:08AM -0400, tedd wrote:

 > I spend much of my time thinking "Did I do that before?"

<grin> I know the feeling. I will say this, though. I have yet to figure
out, from your URLs, how your site(s) is/are organized. Maybe a reorg
would help?



Unfortunately, I really don't follow an organization plan for my demos on any of my sites (well over a dozen now).

Please understand that when I started creating demos, I only wanted to see how a specific thing worked. I had no idea that this investigation would become a giant listing of stuff.

I could explain how I can easily create demos if you want, but it's pretty basic stuff using includes for a common header/footer files leaving only the specific of the topic to be added. The hard part is just finding a layout that you like -- after that it's pretty easy to duplicate it each time you want to demo something.

I will be updating my soon to add in language specific code (php/css/js) -- and that *will* be organized into categories. However, that may be down the road because I have a few other pressing matters that are pulling me in several different directions.




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