On Sun, 2010-06-13 at 07:50 -0700, Don Wieland wrote:

> Yeah - I thought about that, but I don't know how to do this. I have a
> partner who admins my virtual private server. Oh well ;-)
> It is probably something I need to do to the header() string to
> accommodate the <BR>s. I am redirecting back to the original form,
> displaying an ERROR, then re-populating the fields via the GET string.
> The omission of this is CHOKING PHP.
> Don
> On Jun 13, 2010, at 7:39 AM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
> > Turn on display_errors in your php.ini, or read the error log. That
> > will show you exactly what your error is, and then if you don't know
> > how to fix that error, post it back here.
> Don Wieland
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Add a line in to your .htaccess file then to turn error displaying on.
Note that if this is a live server then you shouldn't really do this,
but if you have to, turn them back off again asap.

php_flag display_errors off

ps. please keep the list copied in, as other people might be able to
benefit from the thread.

psps. please try not to top post; every time you do, a kitten dies ;)


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