On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 01:06:29PM +0100, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

> On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 08:02 -0400, David Mehler wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I've got a site that is needing to have two email addresses on it, one
> > for general contact and information and the other for webmaster for
> > site problems. I do not want these addresses to become harvested by
> > spammers yet i want to make it possible for people to email if needed.
> > I can not use javascript for this solution.
> > Suggestions appreciated.
> > Thanks.
> > Dave.
> >
> If Javascript isn't a solution (which I can understand for accessibility
> reasons) then the only method I've seen that seems to work is to have
> the email as an image in the same font style as it would be on the page
> if it were just text. Facebook uses this to display contact email
> addresses for people, and I've seen it used elsewhere also. The only
> other method I've seen is to add in extra characters with a small note
> to humans to remove them, but I find this quite a messy solution.
> Unfortunately, you can't get away with just a contact form these days if
> you're a business, as it's a legal requirement in some countries to have
> a contact details available, and not just a contact form.

Do you have specifics? I've never heard of such a requirement.

Notwithstanding Ash's assertion, I would suggest a contact form. The
email address is effectively hidden, and you can apply CAPTCHA to the
form to cut down on bot spam. It also introduces some discipline on the
user, and potentially allows you to categorize inquiries (making it
easier to pass them on to the proper person). You can also have a pick
list on the form which details which person you'd like the form to be
sent to.

In general, on contact forms or "about us" pages, I include some
physical address and possibly a phone number. This might satisfy Ash's
requirement for "contact details".


Paul M. Foster

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