
I am trying connect to freebsd. I have php 5.3.2 installed. I have to connect 
using public keys, but without succes. Function ssh2_connect throws me 
following error (then I have invalid resource for function 

PHP Warning:  ssh2_connect(): Error starting up SSH connection(-5): Unable to 
exchange encryption keys in /usr/home/radek/pokus.php on line 14

Warning: ssh2_connect(): Error starting up SSH connection(-5): Unable to 
exchange encryption keys in /usr/home/radek/pokus.php on line 14
PHP Warning:  ssh2_connect(): Unable to connect to test.starnet.cz in 
/usr/home/darius/pokus_nat.php on line 14

Warning: ssh2_connect(): Unable to connect to test.starnet.cz in 
/usr/home/radek/pokus.php on line 14

Here is code:

$methods = array(
          'kex' => 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1',
          'hostkey' => 'ssh-dss',
          'client_to_server' => array(
            'crypt' => '3des-cbc',
            'mac' => 'hmac-md5',
            'comp' => 'none'),
          'server_to_client' => array(
            'crypt' => '3des-cbc',
            'mac' => 'hmac-md5',
            'comp' => 'none'));

$connection = ssh2_connect('test.starnet.cz', 22, array('hostkey'=>'ssh-rsa'), 

I got the same error without using methods variable.

Thank you for advice.


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