On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 13:02 -0400, Jack wrote:

> Hello All,
> Does anyone know of an open source tool for SEO that would check your
> positioning in the search engines and then email a result?
> Probably something that runs in cron and executes daily weekly etc?
> Thanks!
> Jack

It sounds like a simple question, but it isn't really. What search terms
do you want to check your positioning for? What locations (as many
search engines are putting a bias on results by location now)

Perhaps look at one of the visitor tracking solutions, which might be
able to give you an idea of the search terms people have used to find
your site, and then give the position based on that search? I know
Googles own analytics software does this, although the results there are
a little inaccurate.


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