Hey Richard,

Thanks!!! You have resolved my problem..


On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Gaurav Kumar

> Hi All,
> Need help in resolving the below problem-
> I would like to get the whole comma separated string into an array value-
> 1. $postText = "chapters 5, 6, 7, 8";
> OR
> 2. $postText = "chapters 5, 6;
> OR
> 3. $postText = "chapters 5, 6, 7";
> What i have done so far is-
> preg_match('/chapter[s]*[ ]*(\d+, \d+, \d+)/i', $postText, $matches);
> The above will exactly match the third value $postText = "chapters 5, 6,
> 7";
> By Above $matches will contain a value of : $matches[1] = '5, 6, 7';
> Now i need a SINGLE regular expression which can match first, second
> variable above or any number of comma separated string and IMPORTANTLY
> provide me that whole comma separated sting value (as above) in single array
> key element like below-
> $matches[1] = '5, 6, 7';
> OR
> $matches[1] = '5, 6';
> OR
> $matches[1] = '5, 6, 7, 8, 9';
> Also I have to use regular expression only as the flow of the code does not
> permit to use any other method to get comma separated string from the
> master/base string.
> Thanks,
> Gaurav Kumar

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