On 22 July 2010 15:49, Sebastian Ewert <seb2...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> Peter Lind wrote:
>> It's unlikely to cause you performance problems unless you've got a
>> huge amount of traffic - and then you could probably fix your problems
>> easier than refactoring classes.
>> Personal anecdote: I've worked on classes longer than 3K lines with no
>> marked performance problem. That doesn't mean I recommend it, though:
>> bigger classes are a pain to maintain as you loose overview of what's
>> in the class.
>> Regards
>> Peter
> So you think that a length of 850 lines won't lead to a performance
> problem?
> The site is not online yet. I just wanted to know when to split a class
> and if there are performance problems with to long classes.

No, I don't think there will be problems. I also think the only way
you'll ever find out whether it *will* be a problem in your system is
by testing.


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