On 18 August 2010 12:47, e-letter <inp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 18/08/2010, chris h <chris...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> php is not processing the file.  There's a few reasons for this, but the
>> first thing I would check is the permissions of the file.  From the
>> directory try
>> $ ls -oa
> The file permission was confirmed as root, since it was copied (as
> root) from a normal user account directorp 'temporary' to the
> directory '/var/www/html'
>> This should tell you who owns the file and what it's permissions are.  You
>> mentioned that you copied it as root, you could change it's ownership to
>> www-data.
> This fails:
> [r...@localhost html]# chown www-data test.php
> chown: `www-data': invalid user
> So I repeated this with a normal user account and the change in
> permission occurs. However, the html file containing the php script
> remains unchanged.
> The instruction:
> ...
> <?php phpinfo() ?>
> ...
> Does not show the version of php.

Your webserver might not be configured to process php files - which
server are you using?


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