On Wed, 2010-08-18 at 23:36 +0530, Shreyas Agasthya wrote:

> Camilo,
> What exactly are you trying to achieve? Meaning:
> if (true)
>    do this;
> if (false)
>    do that;
> However, here's a link that I used long back to help me with some RegEx :
> http://www.gskinner.com/RegExr/
> Regards,
> Shreyas
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Camilo Sperberg 
> <csperb...@unreal4u.com>wrote:
> > Hello list :)
> >
> > Just a short question which I know it should be easy, but I'm no expert yet
> > in regular expressions.
> > I've got a nice little XML string, which is something like this but can be
> > changed:
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <boolean xmlns="http://tempuri.org/";>false</boolean>
> >
> > The boolean value can be true or false, so what I want to do, is filter it.
> > I've done it this way, but I know it can be improved (just because I love
> > clean coding and also because I want to master regular expressions xD):
> >
> >  $result = preg_match('/true/',$curl_response);
> >  if ($result == 0) $result = preg_match('/false/',$curl_response);
> >
> > I've also tried something like:
> > $result = preg_replace('/^(true)|^(false)/','',$curl_response); // if not
> > true OR not false => replace with empty
> >
> > and also '/^true|^false/' which doesn't seem to work.
> >
> > Any ideas to filter this kind of string in just one expression?
> >
> > Thanks in advance :)
> >
> > --
> > Mailed by:
> > UnReAl4U - unreal4u
> > ICQ #: 54472056
> > www1: http://www.chw.net/
> > www2: http://unreal4u.com/
> >

As far as I can tell, are you just trying to grab the content from the
<boolean> tag text node? If it's limited to this basic example, there's
likely not much of a need to use dedicated DOM functions, but consider
using them if you need to work on more complex documents.

If you are just trying to determine if the value is indeed true or false
and nothing else, then a regex could be overkill here. As you only need
to check two values, consider:

if(strpos($xml, 'true') || strpos($xml, 'false'))
    // text node content is OK
    // bad, bad input, go sit in the corner


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