On 25 August 2010 20:54, Ashley Sheridan <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-08-25 at 13:45 -0500, Tim Martens wrote:
> If you're new to PHP, I would recommend not using a framework for the
> experience you will gain with the language, as a framework will tend to
> hide away certain caveats and peculiarities of PHP which could lead to
> issues further down the line. Most people I know who are great PHP
> programmers have tended to start without frameworks at first.
> Having said that, if you're looking for a rapid deployment with a
> shorter learning curve, then a framework might be better in this
> situation.

You could also argue that using a framework is more likely to promote
good habits, as there's a bigger chance you'll be forced down good


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