On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 3:10 AM, Sridhar Pandurangiah
<sridharpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mike
> Thanks a ton for the quick response. I have updated the mail id on my email
> client (using Mozilla TB) and I did repost but your reply was quicker!
> Will try this out and post the results on this thread. Just waiting for
> someone to throw light on how to capture the "filename" that the user
> clicked. Should I display the directory listing as a form?

honestly, that's a little bit too "i'm writing code and solving all
your problems for you" for me... it's hard to concentrate, i have to
actually do the code, not read about it and try to figure it out from
a description :)

feel free to pastebin it, if i don't help you quick maybe someone else will.

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