On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 04:30:08AM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:

> Hello Andre Polykanine,
> Am 2010-08-27 12:55:51, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
> > Hello Michelle,
> > 
> > Hm. link rel="alternate"... that's a good one, thanks (btw, you say me
> > that I should RTFM, but if I knew what to read....).
> > Now there are two questions:
> > 1. How do I do those .RSS files with PHP? All of mmy blog entries and
> > other stuff are in MySql. There are classes that can echo the
> > appropriate data as RSS, but there will be more .PHP files, not
> > .RSS/.XML ones. So how do we manage that?
> > 2. Should I make a separate .RSS file for each type of feeds (blog
> > feed, comments feed, timeline feed, news feed)?
> The Internet is full of HOWTOs which explain HOW-TO-MAKE-A-RSS-FEED...
> However sometimes back I asked HERE IN THIS LIST the same IDIOTQUESTION!
> You could have searched THIS LIST...  :-P

I've seen sites which detail all the posts to this list. Do you know of
one which has *search* capabilities?


Paul M. Foster

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