On 1 October 2010 17:11, Bob McConnell <r...@cbord.com> wrote:
> From: Gary
>> tedd wrote:
>>> What do you people think of the .NET framework?
>> It's a framework, like any other framework - can make your life
> easier,
>> can make your life harder by forcing you to take the path determined
> as
>> TOTP by its designers.
>> That's "The One True Path", not "Top Of The Pops".
> The installer and the license limit its use to just a subset of a single
> platform. The attempts at producing clones on other platforms are
> clouded by license and patent restrictions, and will perpetually be at
> least one release behind the MS-Windows version.
> In reality, .Net is a poor clone of the Java runtime environment, while
> C# is a poor clone of the Java language. They were created after the
> courts told Microsoft the Sun license did not allow them to subvert the
> Java API to build applications that would only run on their OS.

C# has by now exceeded Java by quite a bit - and is, unlike Java, very
actively maintained and has fairly frequent releases with lots of new
functionality (4.0 was released this year and has functionality that
definitely makes me consider taking it on).

As for whether .Net is a better library than the JVM, I wouldn't be
able to judge that.


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