On Tue, 2010-10-19 at 17:15 -0400, Paul M Foster wrote: 
> On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 04:12:51PM -0400, David McGlone wrote:
> You're trying to "instantiate the class". And the way you're doing it
> here is correct. When you do this, $test becomes an object of this
> class. If you had another function ("member") within the class called
> "myfunction()", you could run it this way (after you instantiate the
> class):
> $test->myfunction();
> > 
> > Basically I want to learn how I can (if it's possible with this simple
> > code) is display the output on a different page.
> > 
> > I tried putting the line: $test=new simpleConstructer(); on the index
> > page and including the page the class is on, but it causes the index
> > page to go blank.
> You've likely got an error you're not seeing. Fix this first. If the
> file your class is in is syntactically correct, and you do
> include "simpleConstructerFile.php";
> in your index.php file, it should flawlessly include the code. Then, in
> your index.php, you do this:
> $test = new simpleConstructer;
> you should see the contents of the echo statement appear on the page.
> So you're on the right track. You just need to find the error first.

Ah ha! Thank you! Your mention of an error, was spot on. notice below I
misspelled the class name but got the Object name correct.

Also at first I had the setup like this because it wasn't working and I
thought I was doing it wrong: (this also added to my confusion) 


class simpleConstructer {
function __construct() {
    echo "running the constructor";

require_once 'myclass.php';
$test = new simpleConstructor();

But once I fixed the error I put it all back in myclass.php like so:


class simpleConstructer {
function __construct() {
    echo "running the constructor";
$test = new simpleConstructor();

Now I am wondering what you meant when you said:
>>>If you had another function ("member") within the class called
>>>"myfunction()", you could run it this way (after you instantiate the
>>> class):

If you don't mind my asking, how would you take the above example and
change it to what you describe above?

David M.

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