On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 04:05:50AM +0200, Rico Secada wrote:

> Hi.
> I am working on a small system where I am both trying to avoid code
> duplication and at the same time I am trying to keep the presentation
> logic separated from the application logic.
> I am using sessions and are avoiding "headers already sent" problem by
> keeping the HTML out of the application.
> For example, I would like to have a common header.php file, but it is
> difficult to create this since one file needs to have some specific
> Javascript located in the <head> </head> tags, but the other files
> doesn't need this.
> Another file needs to have a specific "onload" call in the <body> tag,
> while yet another file also needs to have an "onload" call, but with
> different attributes.
> I have been looking around in other systems to see what kinds of
> solutions are being used - as inspiration.
> I have been thinking about the following solutions:
> 1. Create only ONE header.php file that contains a lot of conditionals
> depending on what file is including it - the output of HTML/Javascript
> changes.
> I believe this would turn into a very ugly hack. Difficult to maintain.

Not really. Here's what I do. I have a page controller which defines
variables and such, and then calls the header.php file. The page
controller will contain something like this:

$meta['jsfiles'] = 'onload.js';

The header.php will contain code like this:

<?php if (!empty($meta['jsfiles'])): ?>
<?php include $meta['jsfiles']; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

The page controller can also contain a variety of other settings, like:

$meta['content'] = 'cust_add.php';

and the header.php will contain:

<?php include $meta['content']; ?>

This directs the proper internal content for the header.php, which is
really like a "template" file.

Also remember that at the bottom of the page controller, you do a like
like this:

include 'header.php';

You can change this as you like for any given page controller.


Paul M. Foster

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