Hi, :-)

I'm making a child theme for WordPress. I need to rewrite one function
defined in "../sometheme/functions/actions.php" and put that rewritten
function in "wp-content/themes/sometheme-child/functions/actions.php".

But I want to preserve "../sometheme/functions/actions.php" unchanged
in any way. (Future theme updates would just overwrite any changes I

So, in my new "actions.php", I put an include followed by the
replacement function definition, named identically to the one I want
to replace:


include '../sometheme/functions/actions.php';

function foo($arg_1, $arg_2, /* ..., */ $arg_n)
    echo "All my new code.\n";


Because this duplicate foo() function definition comes after the foo()
defined in the included file, does it replace the included foo()?

Or how can I achieve what I want?

Big thanks in advance for any suggestions. :-)


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