On Wednesday 24 November 2010,
"Bob Keightley" <bob.keight...@virgin.net> wrote:

> I already have a curl script that gets the web page, but it doesn't pass
> the parameters

  Hello Bob,

> Being new to PHP I haven't the first idea how to modify it so that it
> does.
> Script is as follows:
> $url = "http://www.xxxxxx.com/query.asp?param1=val1&param2=val2";;
> foreach ($_POST as $key=>$post) {
>       $post=str_replace(" ", "+", $post);
>       $url.=$key."=".$post."&";
>       }

  Instead of concatenating strings, I suggest to use the http_build_query()

$data = array('param1' => 'val1',
              'param2' => 'val2',
              'param3' => 'val3');
$query = http_build_query($data);
echo "Query: {$query}\n";

  So, to create a query string based on your $_POST request parameters,
you just need to use the function as follows:

$query = http_build_query($_POST);
echo "Query: {$query}\n";

  This will create the proper query string to be used on your URL.

> $ch = curl_init($url);
> curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
> curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0);
> $data = curl_exec($ch);
> curl_close($ch);
> $data=str_replace('.asp', '.php', $data);
> echo $data;
> This returns the web page, but ignores val1 and val2 which are necessary
> to execute the query.

Best regards,
Daniel Molina Wegener <dmw [at] coder [dot] cl>
System Programmer & Web Developer
Phone: +56 (2) 979-0277 | Blog: http://coder.cl/

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