A good point, but in this application there WILL be AT LEAST 1 legitimate directory at all times, or else the script would not be used, so this ought not be a problem.

My problem is that I understand the basic functions to implement, but have not yet aquired sufficient command of php to implement the required multi step algorithm.

Jim Lucas wrote:
On 11/26/2010 4:03 PM, Kirk Bailey wrote:
Hello all, my name is Kirk Bailey, and I am new to php, so please be forbearing.
I code in python, and am trying to learn this language as our new client runs a
web business based in it.

I need a routine that will return a list of every directory immediately under
the current directory- but nothing else, just a list of directories, 1 level
deep, NO FILES, no listing of current dir or prior dir either.

Now in python, I would use os.walk, and use the list of dirs and throw the other
2 lists away, but this ain't Kansas anymore. Does php even DO lists?

Um, a list is a 1 dimenional array, if have a list ALIST and you plug in 3, you
get back the contents of cell 3 in the list, whaqtever that content is. so if
cell 3 in a 6 celled list was "Ruby" then ALIST[3] would return the string 

It's easy to iterate lists. For instance:

   print '<ul>'
   for dir in ALIST:
       print '<li><a href=\"/dir>",dir,'</a>
   print '</ul>

This would let me produce an ordered list of directories, each a link to that
This way, when a client installs a new product, the home page area listing
products offered automatically updates.

Further embellishment would let me replace the dir name with a BRIEF description
from a descriptor file read from that dir. Now how to do this in php?

This should do.

The only problem that I foresee would be an empty "<ul></ul>" if you have no
directories returned by glob().

foreach ( glob('./*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) AS $dir )
  print('<li><a href=\"'.$dir.'\">'.$dir.'</a></li>');

Jim Lucas


Very Truly yours,
                - Kirk Bailey,
                  Largo Florida

kniht +-----+ | BOX | +-----+ think

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