I'm facing the following basic problem:

I have made two simple sample files to explain it:

1st file:
    $_SESSION['SS_user'] = "user000";
   echo $_SESSION['SS_user'];
   echo SID;
   echo "<br>".session_id();
   echo '<br /><a href="home.php">page 1</a>';

2nd file
       echo "file Home<br>";
       echo session_name().'+'.session_id();
       echo $_SESSION['SS_user'];

$_SESSION seems to be empty. Nothing is print. Session Name and session ID 
are the same but it seems that $_SESSION is not shared across the two files. 
No HTML is made before sessioni_start().
I'm using PHP 5.3.4 on IIS, windows XP SP3. Tested as localhost or from 
another PC inside a LAN.

Many thanks

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