On Dec 28, 2010, at 3:24 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 22:11, Joshua Kehn <josh.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Users should not be copy-pasting passwords or usernames. Do not compromise a
>> system to cater to bad [stupid, ignorant, you pick] users. If this is an
>> issue then educate the users.
> Educate the users?!? Is that like making water flow uphill, or
> reversing aging? I can do a lot of things, but don't even ask me to
> bring back the dead!
> -- 
> Dotan Cohen

We're PHP programmers, we do the impossible all the time. Without automatic 
migrations, managed models, succinct ORM's. Other developers look at us in 
shock as we memorize the $haystack and $needle argument orders for explode and 
str* functions. Raising the dead would be easy in comparison.  


Joshua Kehn | josh.k...@gmail.com

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