On Dec 29, 2010, at 6:52 PM, TR Shaw wrote:

> On Dec 29, 2010, at 12:56 PM, Joshua Kehn wrote:
>> On Dec 29, 2010, at 12:37 PM, tedd wrote:
>>> At 11:06 AM +0200 12/29/10, Dotan Cohen wrote:
>>>> Also, change them {passwords} frequently.
>>> I've always wondered about that -- if your password works, then why change 
>>> it? Where's the logic in that?
>>> From my perspective, it looks like "Hey, the crackers have not been able to 
>>> crack this, so let's give them another chance". That doesn't sound logical.
>>> There are things we "think" are right, but is this practice supported in 
>>> some way that's provable?
>>> Cheers,
>>> tedd
>>> -- 
>>> -------
>>> http://sperling.com/
>> An attacker manages to obtain the hashes and starts an attack. You change 
>> your password. The attacker now has to restart the attack.
>> Changing your passwords prevents an attack from continuing past the length 
>> of time between password changes. 
>> Also if they _have_ managed to crack the password changing it forces them to 
>> crack it again, thus also limiting the time the account is compromised.
> Gosh. Think about it. Lets not take the "your machine is compromised case" 
> and/or your password is moronic and/or you are not passing your password 
> cleartext.
> So the threat is external. Now there are 2 types of external: one in house 
> and one on the 'net.
> The one in house is simply detected by an IDS like snort looking for very 
> rapid login attempts. Slow walkers are no risk at all. Further if your 
> password is computationally hard your GigE LAN is not fast enough to support 
> cracking a computationally hard password before you retire.  So there is no 
> threat that your computationally hard password will be cracked so your 
> password is safe.
> For a 'net threat, the bandwidth is even more constrained so you could live 9 
> lives and still not have your computationally hard password cracked. Further, 
> log checking at the firewall and on internal machines can easily detect 
> cracking attempts.  I detect about 4 per day on our mailserver looking for 
> pop logons and about 25 a day against ssh where we don't even use passwords. 
> ftp is not used.
> So an external threat against your machine as defined above, is not a risk.
> So now lets look at the case where there is malware on your machine which 
> will try to brute force your computationally hard password and is smart 
> enough to use your graphics engine to increased computational power.  Folks 
> at MIT and Carnegie Mellon have already numerically proved that a 12 
> character password is not crackable using brute force in any reasonable 
> timeframe. In fact an 8 character one has strength of years. I would contend 
> that using that much power will make its existence known to you and coupled 
> with the fact that you restart your computer every now and again and that you 
> run an antivirus periodically that will eventually find it even if you don't 
> notice the slow down.
> As you can see, cracking a password on your machine is so fruitless that no 
> one would even try to since if you have access to the machine a keylogger, 
> for example, is faster and more reliable. To thwart this you might want to 
> run tripwire or equivalent and institute exfiltration detection.
> The big problem today is that "security" people in IT and security wannabee's 
> quote cracking numbers not based in the real world but mathematically based 
> on quasi "real" preconditions. They and some crazy guys who I know at 
> Microsoft along with some NIST guys are pushing 12 character minimums of 
> upper, lower, numbers and specials, changed every 60 days and no reuse for 2 
> years in business settings. They say this will make the corporate machines 
> safe. This is utter BS. And, in fact, makes corporate networks even more 
> vulnerable due to the fact that people can't remember all these password so 
> they write them down or make them relatively easy thus increasing social 
> engineering break-in opportunities.
> The best solution is to select a computationally hard password and then don't 
> change it unless you have to. I also recommend that you select another that 
> is different and use it for all 'net based logins with a extension 
> concatenated for each service.
> This comment about "if they _have_ managed to crack the password changing it 
> forces them to crack it again, thus also limiting the time the account is 
> compromised" is ridiculous.  First, I assume you really mean stealing rather 
> than cracking for the reasons above.  Notwithstanding the fact that the site 
> broken into should immediately lock down all accounts. Whats to say that the 
> bad guys brake-in right after you have changed your password and they are not 
> noticed. You are still at risk until you change it maybe 30, 60 90, 120 days 
> later. So what is the real good of changing password routinely?  Nada!  The 
> probability that your change matches the threat is miniscule.  It just make 
> people feel good. In fact ,if the bad guys broke in to a financial system 
> they wouldn't steal your password; they would institute immediate bank 
> transfers. Not only would they; they do constantly today.
> As for the "black helicopters", Carnivore was never finished by the FBI and 
> is part of fokelore.  Its much easier to do packet replication at a router in 
> an ISP and send it to disk for offline analysis.  This also has another 
> effect of having evidence that can be used in a court of law. 
> Other "issues" to be addresses later.
> Tom


Thanks for the essay, however I'm not suggesting that there is actual benefit. 
I'm listing the said benefits of changing your passwords. 


Joshua Kehn | josh.k...@gmail.com

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