On 2/14/2011 4:53 PM, Kirk Bailey wrote:
> Now I have a situation. I need to take the code from my former home page and
> modify it to lay out a table (let's say 5 cells wide) and as many rows deep to
> contain all the items. Each item is the name of the directory, under which is 
> an
> icon image from that directory, under which is a description file read from 
> that
> directory. Here is my code thus far:
> <?php
> # The next several lines declare an array of directories which are NOT to be
> listed!#
> $excludes[] = 'attachments'; #20
> $excludes[] = 'data';
> $excludes[] = 'include';
> $excludes[] = 'resources';
> $excludes[] = 'stats';
> $excludes[] = '_private';
> $excludes[] = '_vti_bin';
> $excludes[] = '_vti_cnf';
> $excludes[] = '_vti_log';
> $excludes[] = '_vti_pvt';
> $excludes[] = '_vti_txt'; #30
> $excludes[] = '_vxi_txt';
> $excludes[] = 'css';
> $excludes[] = 'img';
> $excludes[] = 'images';
> $excludes[] = 'js';
> $excludes[] = 'cgi';
> $excludes[] = 'cgi-bin';
> $excludes[] = 'ssfm';
> $ls = scandir(dirname(__FILE__));
> echo '<table border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="E0E0E0"><tr
> align="center">'; #40
> foreach ($ls as $d) {  if (is_dir($d) && !preg_match('/^\./',basename($d))
> &&!in_array(basename($d),$excludes))
>  {
>   echo '<td>'.$d.'<br><a href="'.$d.'"><img src="/Categories/'.$d.'/thumb.png"
> border="5"></a><br>';
>   include($d."/desc.txt");
>   echo '</td>';
>   };
> };
> echo '</tr></table>';
> ?>
> Now I am stymied on changing this to add </tr><tr> at the right points in the
> structure. I am new to php, and welcome all suggestions and gainful comments.

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The bottom two examples show how you can use other HTML tags to present data.

Jim Lucas

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