On Feb 15, 2011, at 10:51 AM, tedd wrote:

> At 8:26 PM -0500 2/14/11, Brian Waters wrote:
>> Hi everyone! I'm just starting out with PHP so I'm looking for a good
>> place to ask some questions, have my code critiqued (read: visciously
>> ripped apart), and generally BS about PHP and programming in general
>> (if that's OK). I know that PHP sometimes has a reputation for having
>> (some) lousy developers, and I'd like to avoid becoming one of those
>> people. To that end, I've subscribed here because I've always found
>> mailing lists to have much higher-quality discourse than the average
>> online foum.
>> Looking forward to participating!
>> - BW
> -BW:
> We don't agree that PHP has a reputation of having some lousy developers -- 
> because that's simply not true.

Humm.... I seem to agree with the OP. But, that being said, unlike most 
language fanboys PHP'ers usually fully admit it.
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