On 4 March 2011 23:48, Ken Watkins <k...@atlanticbb.net> wrote:
> Hi All.
> I have a Windows desktop app that I created using Visual Foxpro (a database 
> app).
> I want to write a PHP script that I will call from my desktop app. The script 
> will simply
> query a MySQL database on my web server and return the recordset to the 
> desktop app.
> My question is simply this: What is the preferred method for passing this 
> recordset back
> to the desktop app? I'm assuming that there's no reasonable way to send a 
> recordset back
> without converting it to an array or XML or an object or something? How do I 
> return the
> data in the recordset to the desktop app?
> Thanks for your advice.
> Ken Watkins

In general terms, the output of a PHP script is going to be text
(html, xml, csv, etc.) or binary (images).

Getting a PHP script to communicate natively with FoxPro is not going
to be trivial task. It MAY be able to be done, but hopefully FoxPro
has the capability of running a PHP script via the command line ...

C:\PHP5\php.exe -f script.php -- script_arg1 script_arg2

PHP can either output the result set (in an appropriate form) directly
and FoxPro could read it from STDIN (if it has that support) or PHP
can write the answer to a file and FoxPro can use normal file and
string functions to read the data.

If FoxPro has XML support, then use it. It will be much cleaner in the
long run if the data changes. If not, then a tab separated data file
(rather than a CSV file). This assumes that your data does not contain
tabs. If so, choose another separator.


Richard Quadling
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