On 3/9/2011 6:28 AM, Gotzon Astondoa wrote:
>  Hi all:
> On my website I have an Ajax form. From this form user can upload files.

My guess would be that you have an HTML form.  Not AJAX

> Server side is a PHP script.
> This form works properly on my development server.

Is this on localhost or is it remote too?

> But when I uploaded my application to the definitive server I discovered
> that I can only upload files less than 50KB (It works perfectly with 1 to 20
> KB images).

Silly question, how long does it take for these 1 to 20 KB files to upload?

> These are the data from the server configuration that I believe can affect:
>      post_max_size 8M
>      upload_max_filesize 2M
>      memory_limit 128M
>      safe_mode off
>      SELinux disabled
>      open_basedir none
> I´m now making tests with 52KB image: image.jpg
> I discovered that the uploaded file is uploaded to /tmp. This file name is
> php10tfTp.

how much space is free on the partition that contains /tmp  ?

> But the file is not completely uploaded! So, my PHP script is not fired!
> The original image size is 52KB and the new file size is 35KB . I download
> the tmp file and rename it to php10tfTp.jpg. I can see that half frame is
> the same as the original and the other half is gray.
> Any idea what is happening?
> Thanks in advance.

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