On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 04:55:11PM +1000, Jason Rennie wrote:
> > > This approach worked pretty well with previous people i teached 
> > > PHP, but they already had some sort of programming background. 
> > > This guy hasn't. I find that he has some difficulties picking 
> > > it up. And I have some difficulties to further help him. 
> > 
> > Is he having problems with PHP, or database interaction with PHP?
> It sounds like he might be having problems with the basic programming
> concepts.
> Are you teaching him and then getting the guy to actaully try some for
> himself ?
> Start with something really basic, (hello world) and get him to do a
> couple of dynamic things that dont use the database, then introduce the db
> slowly. 

After the "hello world," I would have him print it 10 times.  First let
him hardcode 10 echoes, then show him how a for loop works.  Since the
concept is almost the same, once he understands the for loop, have him do
it on his own with a while loop.

To expand on that, you might have each iteration of the loop print in
different formatting, e.g. <p>, <h3>, <font color=xxxxxx>.

Then have him build an array of strings, and use a for loop to create an
(un)ordered list from the array <ul/ol>.  Then have him build a 2D array
and create a table from it.

The next step might be to have him create an HTML form that accepts a
number from a user in a text box.  The user enters a number, and
submitting calls a PHP script that prints "hello world" as many times as
the input specified.

Just some suggestions, hope they help,

"I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, Take a bow for the new revolution
 Smile and grin at the change all around, Pick up my guitar and play
 Just like yesterday, Then I'll get on my knees and pray..."
            -- Pete Townshend/The Who, "Won't Get Fooled Again"

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