Hello Nathan,

Do you mean $x{8}?
That is good but not for all situations.
I  need sometimes to make an array with letters as keys and numbers as
values,  like  this  (I  give  English alphabet just as an example, so
please don't suggest str_split):
// I wish that worked
$alphabet_array=explode('', $alphabet);

this is just one case I encountered some time ago. Yes, I made this by
separating  letters with commas... but it's not the unique case when I
need it.
With best regards from Ukraine,
Skype: Francophile
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------------ Original message ------------
From: Nathan Nobbe <quickshif...@gmail.com>
To: Robert Cummings
Date created: , 7:33:08 PM
Subject: [PHP] phpsadness

      On Sat, May 28, 2011 at 4:33 AM, Robert Cummings 

> On 11-05-28 05:26 AM, Andre Polykanine wrote:
>> Hello Lester,
>> Actually,  many of the points are not important for me so far, however
>> this one really drives me mad:
>> http://phpsadness.com/?page=sad/35   (can't   explode()  by  an  empty
>> string)
>> Besides that, he says nothing about unicode issues.
>> I  love  PHP  (I  really do, it's a neat language, as for me!), but it
>> *should* be unicode by default. If you ever read my code when I try to
>> make and strtr() with a unicode string, you'll understand me because I
>> do  an iconv(), then strtr() and then an iconv() back to unicode. That
>> is not a good coding practice, is it?
> Isn't explode() with an empty string akin to division by zero?

Strings are already accessible through array notation anyway, seems like ol
dude may benefit from a php-general membership as well.


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