Brad Wright pressed the little lettered thingies in this order...

> Hi, 
> I have a database with a 'date' field. What is the syntax for using the
> (mysql) function 'getdate()', to insert the date into the DB table.
> the syntax I'm currently using is:
> $query = "Insert INTO visits (visName, date)
>             values ('$name', getdate()) " ;
> $result = mysql_query($query, $db);

If you're using MySQL 3.23 (or newer) and the field is one of the date, 
time or datetime types, use NOW()

For example:
$query = "Insert INTO visits (visName, date)
            values ('$name', NOW()) " ;

This returns a "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" string that MySQL will 
automatically convert to any of the date/time field types.

Christopher Ostmo
Innovative Application Ideas
Meeting cutting edge dynamic
web site needs since the 
dawn of Internet time (1995)

For a good time,

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