Well then, maybe you don't have/need to learn perl, perl is a pretty
good language for system administration of any sort, if you were on
Unix/Linux well yes of course but on WIndows. I think the better things
for you is to learn PHP and know everythings about it. If you have to
use time for php and perl, you will lose your time, begin with php and
after that if you want to learn perl go for it.

Tom Malone wrote:
> I haven't been to Barnes & Noble yet, so I'm not sure if I will get the
> O'Reilly or the Wrox book yet, but supposing I went with O'Reilly, I wonder
> which would be better: Learning Perl 3rd Edition, or Learning Perl on Win32
> Systems? I don't have much experience with Unix or Linux (minimal), but on
> the other hand, I use Windows ME, not NT. Also, I wonder if the Learning
> Perl on Win32 book might not me geared more towards NT administrators (I'm a
> web designer). Sorry this is so OT, but I really need to know and you people
> are the experts.
> Tom
> >I'd go for it. Perl can be messy, but it is also quite powerful and
> >doesn't HAVE to be messy. It is EVERYWHERE both in terms of availability
> >and use. But most of all, it is a fun language to play with... and if you
> >do any system admin it is an indispensable tool.
> >I recommend _Beginning Perl_ from Wrox over _Learning Perl_ by O'Reilly,
> >but only by a hair. Both are good.
> >c
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