On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 17:34, Steve Staples <sstap...@mnsi.net> wrote:
> what criteria are you using to get the "stats" for these 50 users?

They are passed as an array into a function I'm cleaning up.

> also, wouldn't this be much better suited for the mysql mailing list?


> if you know all the userids, then you could just do it as:
> $sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE userid IN (". implode(', ',
> $usersids) .")";
> not very elegant, and I am not sure that the IN is any better than doing
> 50 mysql calls, but this is only 1 call, and gets you the data.

This is exactly what I need, thanks!

> Are you querying the database to get the id's in the frist place?  if
> so, you could look at doing an inner join on the 2 tables.

Actually, I do suspect that is where it's coming from. But the calling
function is not in my hands.

Dotan Cohen


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