Dear PHP Group,

I need a Function of any category in  either PHP or MySQL RDBMS customize 
Function, Class, Methods or anything that could help me compare a particular 
set of number and return their matching result. e.g If I have a 5 Digits set of 
number  and need to match it with another set of five  digits and return how 
many number are match and the figures that are match. 

1.    (62,39,47,25,14) - (14,39,62,25,47) - match 5 (all)
2.    (55,11,27,62,39) - (66,39,12,13,27) - match 2 (27,39)
3.    (20,04,56,17,16) - (16,01,17,04,79) - match 3 (16,17,04)

Any Help will be appreciated.

Thank you.

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